Monday, August 24, 2009

What Happened to Our Democracy?

The American people have given up on Democracy! They have turned it over to the corporations, who pay the lobbyists, who write the bills that come out of our elected Congress. Why don’t we just let the lobbyists run things? Then we could save all the money spent on electing people who do nothing. It seems that the Republicans would like that kind of government, except that they would lose their jobs and easy way of life. So, they will say NO to everything, even if they favor the item, because the corporations don’t want to change, unless, they can make time go backwards.
Wake up America! As usual, you forget that the bankers and brokers brought our country to this stage and that our President saved us from their “stupidity”. Some of you hark back to your “savior”, Ronald Reagan. He took office in 1980, in a recession. We got out of that recession 3 1/2 years later. His fancy tax cuts made the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. The middle class in the US is no better off today than it was in the “good old days” of Reagan’s presidency. President Obama has been in office 8 months and everyone says the recession is over! I’ll take Obama over Reagan any day and twice on Sunday.
Some of you say, “Get the government out of my way, I want to be a Bill Gates, or a Michael Dell and I can’t achieve with the government controlling things”. The average man or woman in America is more likely to be hit by lightening than have the success of the two previously mentioned gentlemen. Then we have the heads of large corporations and their salaries. They pull down 500 to 600 times the average worker’s salary. Is there anyone out there who seriously thinks that one person is worth 500 times the salary of another? Jesus would be rolling his eyes; “What’s going on here?”
Open your eyes America! Your being led down the primrose path by a bunch of unelected talking heads, lead by Limbaugh, Hannity, Malkin, Coulter, O’Reilly and Beck to name a few. The President is not trying to steal your country; he is trying to give it back to you! Do you really think that we would be out of this recession if McCain and Palin were governing our country? Do you really think that reducing taxes and letting the banks go under would have put us in a position to say “the recession is over”. Thank your lucky stars that Obama was elected.
Good luck.