Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Humorous to some, sad to others.

This is hard to believe, but this is the way the U.S. and China do business.

Suppose that you made a nice product that I really wanted. So I come to you and say, "I'd like to buy 10 widgets at $100 a piece, so I'll give you a $1,000. OK?" You say, "That sounds good to me." Some time later you deliver the widgets and ask for payment. I give you a 10 year 4% note, instead of cash. You give me a funny look, but take the note because I tell that I'm going to buy a lot more of your widgets and other things you make. What a wonderful way to trade! Goods for 4% notes!
My own opinion here is that the Chinese are really not that stupid, so what is going on? I believe that the Chinese costs are inflated for the goods sold by two or three hundred percent. I say this because the very same good sold to America will sell on the street in China for 10 to 20% of the U.S. buying price. They can afford to sell widgets for 0% notes or even pay us interest on the notes. Not only that, but they get to scare the BeJesus out of the U.S. Congress and the public as well. Now that's a real bargain!
So, do you find this situation humorous or sad?
The Old Philosopher

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